
Are you experiencing any of the following?
- My symptoms appear complicated, or I feel like I am a complicated client
- Therapy in the past hasn’t reaped the results I hoped for
- Therapy 1x weekly doesn’t seem to create enough of an impact on my mental health
- I want a therapist who can go deeper with me, and for a longer time
- I need help with things that are difficult to describe and that the internet can’t explain
- I struggle with multiple diagnoses and have the time to prioritize my mental health
- I want to dramatically change my personality structure, my mind and my life
- I have heard about psychoanalysis and I want to try it
Did you notice any of the following changes?
A deep need for self-understanding
A wish for a new personality or childhood
A hope that some therapist out there must understand
A desire to heal at nearly any cost
If so, you might benefit from psychoanalysis

What happens in psychoanalysis?
In this space, we remain steadfast and engaged, using the trust and connection we build together as a foundation for change. This therapeutic relationship becomes a container for working through these conflicts, allowing for resolution and growth that can ripple outward into other areas of your life. The process requires a mutual commitment, with both of us dedicated to fostering the conditions necessary for meaningful and lasting personality transformation. Through this collaborative effort, psychoanalysis can help you achieve greater self-awareness, emotional freedom, and deeper connections with yourself and others.
How does psychoanalysis work?
Upon booking an appointment with team’s psychoanalyst, Monica Huston, she will meet with you for an initial 50 minute session. During this appointment, Monica will establish a therapeutic rapport with you and observe your initial presentation of symptoms.
The next 2-3 sessions are a continuation of these steps, as well as an opportunity for Monica to gather more information and form an initial impression of your needs. A psychoanalytic treatment plan is then formulated out of which future sessions are designed, and for each session thereafter, psychoanalytic interventions are utilized in service of meeting the established treatment goals.
Meeting two to three times weekly is our recommended frequency for beginning the psychoanalytic process. Meeting in-person is our recommended mode for conducting psychoanalysis sessions.
You have questions, we have answers

Laying down in a comfortable sofa on a private office floor (or sitting up if preferred), Monica holds a psychoanalytic frame in mind while you express, explore and process lived (or living) experiences that cause you distress. Without memory or desire, she evenly suspends a hovering attention over the material that is shared, listening to unconscious processes that may reveal rich insights into how your personality came to be.
Using herself, and the trust created in the therapeutic relationship as a platform, conflicts occurring within your personality structure (that have become conflicts between you and others) may now become conflicts that occur within the therapeutic frame. Unlike other relationships in your life where such personality conflicts may lead to others dismissing or rejecting you, Monica is here to stay and work with you through them towards their change and resolution. Mutually committed to the process, the alliance formed is imperative for providing the delicate conditions necessary for such personality change to occur.
Due to the natural defense mechanisms and the inaccessibility of the deterministic forces operating within the unconscious, psychoanalysis is a process that can last for several years.
Your confidence that we will respect your privacy fosters your willingness to be open and is the best indication that we can help you. In order to earn this trust with you, we practice the following policy on confidentiality:
All information disclosed within therapy sessions and the written records pertaining to those sessions are kept confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without your written permission except where disclosure is required by law. The circumstances requiring disclosure by law are listed below:
If the above circumstances do not apply, all information discussed or written pertaining to our therapy is kept confidential. When the above circumstances apply, we make every effort to inform you of the steps we take when breaching your confidentiality and share the minimum information required to secure your safety and the safety of others.
ABUSE. When there is a reasonable suspicion of child abuse, elder abuse, or abuse of a dependent adult that is physical, sexual, or emotional, we will file a report with the appropriate state agency.
HARM TO SELF. When the client threatens serious bodily harm to self, we will seek hospitalization for the client and contact family members or others who can help provide safety.
HARM TO OTHER. When a client threatens serious bodily harm to another, we will notify the potential victim, contact the police, or seek hospitalization for the client.
COURT ORDER. When disclosure is required for a legal proceeding, we comply.
PERMISSION: When a client wishes their therapist to speak with a third party, we comply with written consent by the client.
If the above circumstances do not apply, all information discussed or written pertaining to our therapy is kept confidential. When the above circumstances apply, we make every effort to inform you of the steps we take when breaching your confidentiality and share the minimum information required to secure your safety and the safety of others.