
Time-Tested Solutions Exist for A Variety of Mental Health Symptoms

Meet our Therapists

Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic therapy, or psychoanalysis, is our golden standard of treatment. This approach allows us to help you identify unconscious drives or motivations underlying your behavior and attitudes. We observe and reflect the ways in which an individual projects previous relationship patterns into therapeutic interactions (via transference). We point out problematic behavior used to establish and maintain relationships while avoiding being pulled into maladaptive patterns ourselves (via countertransference). We create reparative experiences with you that allow you to build new, internal structures.

Theory of Change

Change occurs through insight and understanding of early, unresolved issues.

Goal of Treatment

Individuals will be compelled to seek new, healthier ways of relating to others having identified and resolved the underlying causes of internal and relational conflict.

Treatment Objectives

1) Help individuals understand unconscious impulses and defenses against them

2) Improve client’s awareness and understanding of past influences on present behavior

3) Allow clients to access painful feelings in a safe environment that were previously repressed


Dream interpretation

Transference and countertransference interpretation

Integration of repressed experiences

Object-relation interpretations

Splitting, projection and identification interpretations

Session Frequency

This type of therapy is in-depth and ongoing. Sessions may occur between 2-4 times weekly.

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is our most effective methodology for helping you experience immediate support and practical feedback. This approach allows us to understand how your life experiences shaped your most deeply held beliefs. Then, we see how these deeply held beliefs underlie your present-day behaviors and inform the emotional reactions which result. We help you change how you feel by deconstructing the deeply held beliefs underpinning your behavior and emotions. If we can transform your core beliefs, then we can transform your mind and how you feel everyday.

Theory of Change

Change occurs by learning to identify and modify dysfunctional thoughts patterns.

Goal of Treatment

Individuals will experience a healthier and happier life having developed more logical ways of thinking and problem solving.

Treatment Objectives

1) Help individuals understand the relationship between thoughts, feelings and behaviors, and to see areas of change that are within their control

2) Work with clients to independently recognize negative thought patterns, and to learn how to evaluate their validity or replace them with healthier ways of thinking.

2) Help individuals to accept areas of change that are not within their control, and find ways to accept their limitations and the limitations of others.


Cognitive restructuring

Socratic questioning

Behavioral activation and experiments

Opposite action

Thought recording

Mindfulness training

Session Frequency

This type of therapy is solutions-focused, and may be ongoing or short term. Sessions may occur weekly, bi-weekly or as needed depending on circumstances.

Person Centred Therapy

Person centered therapy is the cornerstone of our healing approach and highlights our belief that any change is possible when the therapeutic bond is strong. Individuals have inbuilt proclivity towards growth and fulfillment and with the right therapeutic conditions, individuals will self-actualize and prosper. There may not be any conditions more powerful for healing than the experience of being closely listened to and deeply heard in places where we are otherwise isolated. Feeling seen for who we truly are, in of our goodness, by a therapist who can truly know you, is life changing.

Theory of Change

Change occurs when clients experience the presence of three qualities in the therapeutic relationship: unconditional positive regard, empathy and genuineness.

Goal of Treatment

Individuals will discover that their life has meaning, do what is necessary for growth and change, and learn to both accept and value themselves innately.

Treatment Objectives

1) Allow individuals to discover their unique identity that can only be known through an unconditionally accepting relationship, and find congruence between their ideal self and actual self.

2) Provide complete acceptance for the client so they can experience decreased defensiveness, insecurity and guilt, and focus on their responsibility as free agents for the construction of their lives

3) Create awareness of the here and now experience, in the mutual encounter between the therapist and client, so the client can safely experience feelings and heal, rather than just talk about feelings.


Mirroring statements

Empathic reflection

Open-ended questions

Strength identification

Here-and-now focus

Non-directive participation

Session Frequency

This type of therapy is relational and intimate, and may not have a fixed end. However, sessions typically occur weekly.

Attachment-based Therapy

Attachment-based therapy is the most powerful form of therapy we provide to create inward change and transformation. Individuals with a preoccupied or anxious attachment may dread abandonment and become overly dependent on another without seeing their responsibility in relationships. Individuals with a dismissive or avoidant attachment can have difficulty trusting others, feel uncomfortable with emotional closeness, and believe they are unworthy of love. We help individuals work through past attachment wounds in order to arrive at, and enjoy, a secure attachment with others.

Theory of Change

Change occurs when individuals can engage in healthy attachment behaviors and experience emotional intimacy with others.

Goal of Treatment

Individuals will be able to grow and self-actualize as a result of having a better understanding of their attachment style and needs.

Treatment Objectives

1) Raise awareness of an individual's current behavioral and emotional patterns as early attempts to maintain attachment to a primary caregiver.

2) Develop and practice secure attachment behaviors by identifying and communicating attachment needs

3) Repair the capacity to regulate effects to resolve emotional and social disruptions within an individual’s present life.


Corrective emotional experiences


Empty Chair Technique

Role play


Session Frequency

This type of therapy is in-depth and ongoing. Sessions may occur until progress is achieved.

Emotionally-Focused Therapy

Emotionally focused therapy largely contributes to the growing success we’ve had when working with couples. This form of therapy allows us to help couples improve their emotional bonds, experience closeness and develop better communication skills. We help couples see underneath their reactive patterns of behavior, as well as the reactive patterns of their partner, and understand themselves and their partner in a more compassionate light. Primary attachment needs are revealed and couples gain a better understanding of how to love one another.

Theory of Change

Change occurs when couples respond to the primary emotions of their partner, and unlearn negative cycles of communication.

Goal of Treatment

Couples will remain emotionally connected and bonded through hardship as a result of better understanding one another’s attachment related needs.

Treatment Objectives

1) Help couples de-escalate by allowing each partner to access unacknowledged emotions and needs which cause them to emotionally react.

2) Promote identification of disavowed attachment needs and acceptance of their partner’s experience

3) Facilitate new solutions to old problems and consolidate what was learned to strengthen new emotional patterns.


Track and reflect interactive patterns

Restructure and shape new interactions

Reframe experience

Evoke enactments for corrective emotional experiences  

Session Frequency

This type of therapy may take between 8-20 sessions. Individual and couple sessions may occur throughout.

Family Systems Therapy

Family systems therapy is our strongest weapon when it comes to resolving family conflicts. We take a multigenerational perspective, gathering history as far back as possible, to understand how past events impacted the family’s development and how unresolved issues are carried out presently. We appreciate how a family system developed in service of maintaining and preserving the family’s survival, while offering constructive ways that will allow the family to grow more peacefully.

Theory of Change

Change occurs by understanding multigenerational dynamics and differentiating oneself from them.

Goal of Treatment

Families will resolve presenting difficulties and enjoy closer emotional bonds as a result of changing dysfunctional transactional patterns and creating new ways of relating.

Treatment Objectives

1) Restructure the family system to allow for symptom relief and constructive problem solving

2) Explore belief systems, family values, rules and roles, expectations, and defense mechanisms that are present in order to identify and change problematic dynamics

3) Support each family member by reducing emotional reactivity, decreasing anxiety and emotional turmoil, and improving communication skills to prevent recurrence of dysfunctional patterns.


1) Restructure the family system to allow for symptom relief and constructive problem solving

2) Explore belief systems, family values, rules and roles, expectations, and defense mechanisms that are present in order to identify and change problematic dynamics

3) Support each family member by reducing emotional reactivity, decreasing anxiety and emotional turmoil, and improving communication skills to prevent recurrence of dysfunctional patterns.

Session Frequency

This type of therapy is in depth and solutions focused. Sessions may occur 1-2 times weekly and include a combination of individual(s) and family sessions.

How To
Get Started

We know you’ve been looking long and hard.  Our highly trained therapists are here to end your search for help.

1Complete Questionnaire

Tell us about your needs, how we can help you and what you are looking for in a therapist.

2Get Matched

We will review your information and match you with a therapist best suited to your needs.

3Get Started

We meet with you to formulate a treatment plan that will help you reach your goals.

More Than Talk Therapy: Real Transformation Begins Here

A Space for Deep, Lasting Personal Change

Experience Therapy That Truly Transforms
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